Jacob Alvarez

Romy Welcomed LA to Club Mid Air

Jacob Alvarez
Romy Welcomed LA to Club Mid Air

Romy performing at the Hollywood Palladium, LA by Jacob Alvarez


In a night full of lights and dance, the xx’s Romy delivered her own iteration of a dance club, dubbed “Club Mid Air” in the heart of Hollywood. Named after her debut album which dropped in 2023, Romy welcomed all to the dance floor, which resembled a classic 50s prom site, making it all the more interesting to have strobes and heavy bass banging through the walls.

Romy kicked her own show off with a small DJ set from the front of house, followed by two more sets in the same area, allowing for fans to get loose and comfy in the dousing red fountains of light. Many audience members reflected in the darkness due to their glowing neon tour merch. Having seen a set by Romy at This Ain’t No Picnic, it was enticing to see how a “live” performance would differ, and boy did it differ. Around 9:30PM, Romy walked out on the main stage, accompanied by an artist who handled a lot of the tracks, letting Romy take center stage for vocals.

Romy performing at the Hollywood Palladium, LA by Jacob Alvarez

Opening with early tracks off Mid Air, “Weightless” and “The Sea,” the crowd immediately went wild, chanting “Romy” at any point of even a slight silence. Romy stood in awe, thanking the crowd for all the love; the album was conceived mostly during COVID as a love letter to the gay clubs of the early 2000s which Romy had missed int hat time, so it must have been refreshing to experience everting live for both the artist and fans alike.

Romy performing at the Hollywood Palladium, LA by Jacob Alvarez

Romy spiced up the set with a homage to her roots, performing a remix of the xx’s “Angels” and Ariana Grande’s anthem “Into You.” Toward the end of her set, Romy welcomed Katie Gavin of MUNA to performa a mashup of “She’s on My Mind / What I Want,” dancing together to much of the fan’s excitement. After an evening of epic highs and enjoyment, Romy ended strong with Fred Again..’s “Lights Out” and their collaborative track “Strong.” Not typically being a fan of the dance/electronic scene, the amount of energy that ran through the large audience and was reflected back by Romy gave me an appreciation for what the music means to so many. There’s a freeness to it, and it’s exhilarating. Check out the set list here!

PS: Check out our gallery of photos from the performance!

PS: Check out our gallery of photos from the performance!